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WB Logo

The original triangular design concept for The Wilde Bunch logo came from Roger Coffin in 1992. I presented a completed black and white design to The Wilde Bunch Board of Directors, and the design became official in 1995. When the idea of a WB web page was being bandied about, I designed a color logo for it.

For design folk: the logo was drawn and then colored using FreeHand 4.0. The two fonts used are AGaramond Bold and Circus. The colors for the mountains in the background, which go from pink to green, come from the translation of the mountains' name, Sandia, which means watermelon - the colors during sunset. The triangle is pink of course, and the clear sky has colorful hot air balloons in it. The diamonds come from Diamonds in the Desert, the name of the IAGSDC® convention The Wilde Bunch held here in Albuquerque in 1992. Both Roger and I worked on logos for the convention; he followed up on an idea I originated which used a pueblo step design, Zia sun symbol and diamonds.

Much thanks to Roger for his wonderful idea for The Wilde Bunch logo.


Download a PDF of the Wilde Bunch logo here.

Download an EPS of the Wilde Bunch logo here.